2021 Toyota Prius Prime Review: What's New with Everyone’s Favourite Ugly Duckling?

Auto123 reviews the 2021 Toyota Prius Prime.
The Prius is still the best-known hybrid car on the market. In good part that's because it was one of, if not THE first car to adopt a powertrain combining a combustion engine and electric motor. Starting in 2004, the Prius made its mark on the automotive landscape. It was the talk of the town, or at least of some corners of it, and its stinginess on fuel was just one of the things that had folks talking - the car's odd shape was a common topic of conversation as well.
Here’s a little anecdote from one of our automotive journalists that relates his first experience with a Prius. He was on a family trip in the United States and when he arrived at the car rental office, he was offered a Toyota Prius. At first, our hero kindly refused the offer. The car rental representative insisted, and finally convinced him. The only condition our hero set was that he could return the vehicle to any branch and take another model if he wasn’t satisfied.
In the event, the employee's vacation went very well. The family fell in love with the Prius because in addition to having all the space they wanted for passengers and luggage in the trunk, gas consumption during their holiday was only 4.6L/100 km after a little more than 2,500 km. The Prius was and is an all-around fuel economy champion.
The arrival of the Prius Prime represented a further improvement. We won't go into all the details of the vehicle, as it's pretty much the same as the 2020 edition; you can read our full 2020 Prius Prime review to learn more. We will, however, note the few new features that are brought to the 2021 model.
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