2020 Toyota C-HR Long-Term Review, Part 1: Humans and their Toys
Author: Michel-CrépaultPublished:

Auto123 reviews the 2020 Toyota C-HR in a long-term test drive. Today, Part One.
See also: 2020 Toyota C-HR Long-Term Review, Part 2: Fire in the Belly
See also: 2020 Toyota C-HR Long-Term Review, Part 3: Cool & Chill
Before deciding on a vehicle, among all the criteria we consider important, one of the big ones is always the capacity. Meaning capacity to hold passengers, and hold gear. Will the vehicle I want offer a certain comfort to my passengers, particularly those who can make my life difficult day-to-day if it doesn’t? And how will it handle all the stuff I entrust to it?
First, let’s look at the human factor.
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